The official blog for all D.R.A.C. members. Read the team's posts, pics, and links. D.R.A.C. is not just for members with fancy suits(not that we actually own any), it's for everyone. Follow us and we'll follow you... no homo.
Dec 29, 2010
Created a facebook group called "Don't" Check this out and see what I mean:
Special Event
Dec 23, 2010
Dec 21, 2010
Head hurts
My head hurts. Not going to blog today.
Dec 19, 2010
Squeaky box gone
Me and my dad were given a magnifier/reader by my late grandfather. We have no use for it since nether of us are bad in the eyesight area, so we decided to give it to a man named Ranger Rick(no lie, that's his public name.) Ranger Rick has been a avid supporter of the local boy scouts for years. Incidentally, over all of those years, his eyesight hasn't exactly grown well, if you know what I mean. So as a gift, we decided to give Ranger Rick the unused magnifier/reader.
The only problems? 1) They're heavy and 2) It makes a lot of noise.
One of the boxes was packed tight with Styrofoam, so every time the car made the slightest movement, it screeched. It nearly drove us crazy, but we managed. When arrived at the scout hut, we found that it was locked. One of the people in charge handed us a small box of keys. We spent the next 15 minutes looking for the right key to unlock the door. We finally got the door open, dropped off the magnifier/reader and nearly ran out of the hut. It's what the Star Wars fanatics say; "Watch out for the Hut(t)"
So after that crazy adventure, we went home and chilled. I got out my laptop and sent Shar an email, (hint hint, Shar.) Oh well, see you guys.
O.Y.A. (Oh Yeah And)- Shar and I finished creating the Drac Clan Runescape thing. Check it out on
The only problems? 1) They're heavy and 2) It makes a lot of noise.
One of the boxes was packed tight with Styrofoam, so every time the car made the slightest movement, it screeched. It nearly drove us crazy, but we managed. When arrived at the scout hut, we found that it was locked. One of the people in charge handed us a small box of keys. We spent the next 15 minutes looking for the right key to unlock the door. We finally got the door open, dropped off the magnifier/reader and nearly ran out of the hut. It's what the Star Wars fanatics say; "Watch out for the Hut(t)"
So after that crazy adventure, we went home and chilled. I got out my laptop and sent Shar an email, (hint hint, Shar.) Oh well, see you guys.
O.Y.A. (Oh Yeah And)- Shar and I finished creating the Drac Clan Runescape thing. Check it out on
New Acronym
Dec 17, 2010
S.A.T. Essay
This is the practice SAT essay that I took. I had 25 minutes to create it. I hope that you like it.
Destiny has been man's savior, man's curse, and man's love. Through the course of history it has played many roles, under many names. Throughout this, though, one thing has remained the same; destiny only comes to those who create it. Destiny is achieved through a series of choices made in everyday situations, everyday.
A great number of Americans believe in cause and effect; everything is done for a reason. By this belief, one can explain all of life's phenomenons. Destiny is the effect of thousands of everyday choices. The saying, "If you do nothing, nothing will get done," has tangible truth to it. If we wait all day for destiny to come to us, we will never get anything to happen. This has been proven by countless other role models.
The great world renown leader in human rights, Nelson Mandela, believed that to receive great things, you had to do great things. Historians know that if it were not for Mandela's initiative, many other human rights activists would be without a role model to base themselves off of. Nelson Mandela created his destiny, instead of waiting for it to come to him.
Destiny is achieved through the choices we make everyday. Cause and effect has proven this time and time again. World leaders have been influenced by this. Man has two choices concerning destiny; either to sit around and wait for it to come to him, or to get up and make his own destiny.
Destiny has been man's savior, man's curse, and man's love. Through the course of history it has played many roles, under many names. Throughout this, though, one thing has remained the same; destiny only comes to those who create it. Destiny is achieved through a series of choices made in everyday situations, everyday.
A great number of Americans believe in cause and effect; everything is done for a reason. By this belief, one can explain all of life's phenomenons. Destiny is the effect of thousands of everyday choices. The saying, "If you do nothing, nothing will get done," has tangible truth to it. If we wait all day for destiny to come to us, we will never get anything to happen. This has been proven by countless other role models.
The great world renown leader in human rights, Nelson Mandela, believed that to receive great things, you had to do great things. Historians know that if it were not for Mandela's initiative, many other human rights activists would be without a role model to base themselves off of. Nelson Mandela created his destiny, instead of waiting for it to come to him.
Destiny is achieved through the choices we make everyday. Cause and effect has proven this time and time again. World leaders have been influenced by this. Man has two choices concerning destiny; either to sit around and wait for it to come to him, or to get up and make his own destiny.
Dec 14, 2010
Freaked out and smart
OK, so here I am, being bored half to death in 1st period, S.A.T. Prep, when a piece of paper lands on my desk. Looked and groaned. It was a practice SAT we had spent a week on. Looked again and smiled. "Critical Reading: 590," "Writing: 700," "Math: 620." For those of you that don't know, 800 is the highest that one can score on a section. Four-year colleges start accepting students at 490-600; they don't even expect you to get a 700! The teacher calls me up and starts going serious about how I should take the SAT and send to a 4-year college so that I don't have to take it as a junior or a senior. I'm a freak'n sophomore! Then, during 2nd period, everyone who took the PSAT, (Practice SAT) in October (That's me!) was told to report to the cafeteria to receive their test scores. Mine? Freak'n test score of "Critical Reading: 640," "Math: 570," "Writing: 560." And the PSAT is supposed to be harder than the true SAT. I even beat Matt at "Critical Reading!!!!!" I'm freaked too, because this guy gave the same exact lecture that my first period teacher gave(more or less.)!!!!! Email me!
Dec 9, 2010
newletter coming around
Going to send a newsletter out soon.
Dec 7, 2010
Left elevator, 13th floor, control box input: 0100010001110010011000010110001101101111001000000101001001100101011101100110100101110110011000010110110000100000010001100111001001100101011001010111101001100101
Dec 2, 2010
Another day.
There has been a bit of a redistricting problem lately with North West High School. Idiotic school board members have not recognized that there is no reason why they can't change the lines so that North West can get more students. If North West can't get enough students, we will be dropped to a 2A school and lose many of our honors programs. our Civics class is going to the government building for a field trip and the main reason why-we-won't-be-good-anymore school board member will be there. We were warned to keep the insults at bay, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen.
Dec 1, 2010
Welcome to flames
I don't know what came over me when I was writing the title for this post. Must be a lack of off time. I've decided to start playing runescape, so that I can recruit new dracians. I will be sitting on the bridge near Lumbridge if you are looking for me.
Nov 29, 2010
Yawn = incomplete
My day has been extremely weird. I haven't been able to complete my yawns and my smiley faces look demonic. I'm going to get starbucks.
Nov 28, 2010
I'm tired
I cut my hair because I thought it would make my head ache go away. I joined boy scouts because I was drunk. I'm playing runescape because they had cookies. i'm tired.
Nov 27, 2010
Custom Websites
I've decided to give each storycom character/ drac member a free website. Email me for details.
Nov 19, 2010
Age limit on homeless shelter
Turns out that there was an age limit on the homeless shelter thing, Oh well.
Nov 17, 2010
Sorry about not posting
I'm a little tired and haven't posted in a while. Storycom is turning out to be pretty awesome.
Nov 15, 2010
Target is the best store out there. Anyone disagreeing with be forced to watch Super Nanny. I'm driving to Target to memorize the pathway.
Nov 13, 2010
Creating New CD
Creating a new music CD called "Kick Donkey Awesomeness" Don't worry; already got the trademark for "awesomeness"
Nov 12, 2010
Time and date for Volunteering
The days that we're going to be volunteering are the 20th and the 21st. We are allotting time from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on both days.
Nov 10, 2010
Going to call the owner of the homeless shelter. Last chance for anyone to sign up to help. Sign-up
Nov 9, 2010
Homeless shelter sponsored
Sorry about the vague post; I just signed up to volunteer our organization to the Uptown Day Shelter of Charlotte. Nothing much happened here. First post of StoryCom made. Click here
Insert html code onto your websites!!!
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<a href="" title="Homeless Shelters"><img src="" border="0"/></a>
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<a href="" title="Homeless Shelters"><img src="" border="0"/></a>
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Nov 8, 2010
Got permit, might lose it
Okay, here's the deal: I got my permit over the weekend and my mom wants me drive her home today. Here's the deal; I've got a C in Civics. So how doe's that relate? I highly doubt she's going to let me drive the day REPORT CARDS come home. I'll let you guys know how this turns out.
Nov 7, 2010
Busy, Very Busy.
Sorry about not posting. Me and Ile had to go to a lock down/lock in. I've been busy trying to get storycom finished and all. Check it out at
Nov 4, 2010
Rain, and headaches
Nothing much has happened today. I didn't have a headache the entire day until I walked into Civics. Class Prez campaigns are killer if you happen to be running for prez. Anyways, to all those dracians out there: I have changed the lay-out of the website. Comment if you have any questions. It rained today.
Nov 3, 2010
Vacation in the mountains!!!!!
First off, I have to say I'm sorry to all the followers of this blog for not posting during the long weekend we had. (From Friday to Tuesday) We went to a cabin down by Boone, North Carolina, to spend some well needed vacation. The cabin was pretty nice for the most part. The only problem? Nothing to do!!! And we all know how that turns out for me. Anyways, me, Ile, and Jahn spent our vacation with me pacing so hard it made an indent in the floor, Ile talking about nothing in particular, and Jahn staring at the wall. Gotta love those family vacations!!!!
Special Event
Oct 29, 2010
The Famous Mystery Box
I think Ile stuck his head up the famous mystery box instead of choosing a brain. He's been following me around and jumping on me. He's been trying to catch a tossed peace of popcorn in his mouth and failing terribly. (Which surprises me a lot, since he's got such a big mouth.) Oh pity; he's got chocolate on his hands!!!! Help me from this circle of boredom!!! oh yeah, and all the dracians following this blog; check out the new photo gallery: you can upload any picture you want onto the gallery. I have already posted a few. See ya!
Oct 28, 2010
Driver's Ed Complete!!!
Driver's ed is complete!!!!! I passed the final test and I can get my permit within 30 days from now.
Special Event
Another day
It's 2:31 and another person has followed this blog!!! Thank you, Eliz for following. The blog is just the extension of our original website, I'm about to go to drivers ed to start driving. Wish me luck!!
Oct 27, 2010
It's another day for me. Nothing much has happened. Going to call a nearby homeless shelter to volunteer. Anyone want to help, post a comment.
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