
Feb 29, 2012

Hero Of War

A drowning man does not die silently
You can feel the final warning
And the black riches that follow
Through the veins of the shallow
Change the name to protect the guilty

He said, "Son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?
Just carry this rifle, you'll even get paid"
I said, "That sounds pretty good"

Black leather boots, spit shined so bright
They cut off my locks but it looks alright
We marched and we sang
We all became friends as we learned how to fight

A hero of war, yeah that's what I'll be
And when I come home
They'll be d*** proud of me
I'll carry this flag to the grave if I must
'Cause it's flag that I love and a flag that I trust

I kicked in the door, I yelled my commands
The children they cried but I got my man
We took him away, a sack over his face
From his family and his friends
We beat him with guns and batons
Not just once but again and again

A hero of war, yeah that's what I'll be
And when I come home
They'll be d*** proud of me
I'll carry this flag to the grave if I must
'Cause it's flag that I love and a flag that I trust

She walked through bullets and haze
I asked her to stop,
I begged her to stay
But she pressed on
So I lifted my gun and I fired away

And the bullets jumped through the smoke
And into the sand that the blood now had soaked
She collapsed with a flag in her hand
A flag white as snow

A hero of war is that what they see
Just medals and scars,
So d*** proud of me
And I brought home that flag, now it gathers dust
But it's a flag that I love, it's the only flag I trust

Out the door, you get burned
And there is no way back in
You've got nothing
Snake eyes
The house always wins

Feb 26, 2012

Awe, thanks Jinx. I'm still

Awe, thanks Jinx. I'm still going to kill you for the post.
PS-How'd you find out about the song? I made another youtube account.

Curiosity vs. Apathy

Let's change the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat," to: "Apathy killed the U.S. citizen."

Feb 23, 2012

Shar's Song

Saw song that Shar made for Aaron, "The Penguin Song" I'm starting to wonder how quick those little guitar lessons were; Aaron must be a good teacher for her to be so good.
O.Y.A.- She has a wonderful voice. Never got tired of listening to her.

Jinx out.

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Feb 22, 2012


i just found out today that someone i know is in the ICU and life suport is getting pulled tom.

Feb 21, 2012

So tired.

I am so tired it's not even slightly funny- triumphant- but still very tired. Why am I so tired?  You're about to figure out.

The News

I have completed the website I have been working on have decided to have D.R.A.C. support it.  To find out more about TBN, click here.

I have decided to start searching for a job (with a steady, if not petty, salary). Let me tell you.... it's depressing.

I am going to try to find someone that is willing to monitor a tumblr account for D.R.A.C. if we were to make one.  If you're interested, comment on the post.

The Bright Night!!!

In short, there's a new website afoot and it's pretty cool.  Join at this link:

Feb 20, 2012

Stupidest saying ever to be thought up

I swear on my life, I'm going to f***ing kill whoever came up with the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt you." What a lying dumba**. You know what the funny thing about broken bones is? They heal, but hurtful words never do; they just fester like a sore and burn. Bulls***, they don't hurt me.

Feb 8, 2012

Hey guys. Sorry about the

Hey guys. Sorry about the lack of posts; I've been trying to make a website for Vin. I'll let you know when I finish.

Feb 7, 2012

If it keeps colder, we'll

If it keeps colder, we'll start to freeze the minute we walk outside our houses. ~*~