
Sep 24, 2014

Right Back At It Again - Chapter 7

       "Five million yul?!"
        Jinx and I nodded and Gerg whistled, obviously impressed.  After completing the event quest, both of us had received the reward, which had been the apparently large amount of money.  At first, I wasn't sure if it was a lot of money, I thought to myself, walking a short distance towards the World Tree in the distance.  Each MMO can have a different rate of currency value.  In some games, a million would equal the same as 100,000 would in another.
        "So, what are you gonna spend the money on?" Kitty asked, taking her right hand claw off of her belt and fitting it back on.  She seemed rather energetic for someone who had just tattooed symbols on eight different people, including herself; then again, the process for placing a guild tattoo on a player was considerably easier in VRMMOs than in the real world.

Sep 15, 2014

Right Back At It Again - Chapter 6

This was a little marker drawing I did of the members of Darkness Falls in Scott Pilgrim format.  Sorry for the mis-coloring of Josh's and Garrith's hair; I didn't have any good brown markers.  Plus, it seems that I've forgotten Matt.
       I opened my eyes and smiled as I felt a slight breeze against my face.
       I was back in the plain where I had killed the event boss, Lunastra Fatalis, and it was absolutely beautiful in the daylight.  I thought briefly on the fact that the daytime and nighttime cycles were the same as the cycles in the real world; in SAO, it had made sense because there was no way to log out, but there was no reason why ALO couldn't follow the rules of most other MMOs and have an accelerated time cycle.

Beta Review of Chaos Heroes Online

I apologize if this review seems a little early, seeing as how closed beta started today, but I couldn't waste my time on the game any longer than I need to.  For those of you who do not know, Chaos Heroes Online is a MOBA, a type of MMO that was made famous by the game, League of Legends.  That being said, MOBAs have been popping up all over the MMO industry and it seems to be yours truly's bloody job to beta test each and every one of these wretched excuses for creative content.  Don't get me wrong: the characters in these games almost always have surprisingly rich backgrounds and origins.  Things that the games NEVER DELVE INTO; that's right, these games never seem to mention the character's stories or personalities outside of long paragraphs that you can read on the game's wiki or the annoying statements made by the character after each movement or attack.

Sep 9, 2014

FaceQ Avatars!

The entire Darkness Falls guild in FaceQ avatar form; the red squares are how they appear in real life and the checkered sections are how they look in ALO.

Sep 8, 2014

Right Back At It Again - Chapter 5

        I raised my eyelids from their drooped position and looked at my teacher.  Did he just call me Erica?  "Yes, teacher?"  I replied, resisting the urge to yawn.
        "Since you've decided to make this class your nap time, perhaps you would like to answer a question for me," my instructor said, putting his hand on his hip and pointing to the learning screen that replaced the SMART Boards of the 2010's.  "What is a system that provides computer-based support for complex, nonroutine decisions, primarily for middle managers and knowledge workers?"
        Blinking, I yawned despite my attempts to prevent it.  "Um... a business intelligence system?" I said, glad that I had dozed off in Information Technology class, one of my best subjects and coincidentally, the last class of the day.
      "That's... correct," the middle-aged teacher said, pushing his glasses father up on his nose.  "However, in the future, I would like you to stay awake for my class, Erica-san."

Sep 6, 2014

Chapter 5's Sneak Peak Illustration

The illustration for chapter 5; notice, this isn't gonna be what Eric is gonna be wearing by any shot.  However, I wanted to show what he would look like just out and about the town

Sep 4, 2014

Right Back At It Again- Chapter 4

     "Come on, get up," I muttered, shaking my sleeping friend's head.
     "I'm up, I'm up," protested Jinx, waving his hands in front him and lifting his face off of the table.  "What took you so long?"  His widened eyes told me that he had only dozed off for a few seconds.
      "I had to fight a huge dragon that breathed lightning," I sarcastically replied, picking up my bow and pulling it over my arm and head.  Pulling up my player menu, I selected my quiver from my inventory and equipped it.
       "Where are Gerg and Vin?" Jinx asked, slowly standing up and stretching.
       "Back at the house.  Raf's using an Amusphere and they want to figure out what he's doing."  I pulled up my map to check where the event boss was; it was slowly moving towards Alne, the town where Jinx and I were at.  If the boss is supposed to attack the city, it would explain the event quest's title, Bulls-Eye Pillager, I thought to myself.