
Mar 29, 2013

Almost there

Finally at the Tri State area! Almost there.

New York bound

I forgot to mention before that I would be spending Spring break in New York, starting today. Yes, it's hard being in a CAR for 12 hours with 4 other people and, yes, a dog. Plus the wonderful driving mannerisms of the New York population is something I don't look forward to. But whatever. See you guys when I get back

Mar 25, 2013

Rant.... ON A MONDAY!

The next paragraph may make no sense but it's coming straight from my mind so...

WTF? Come on, seriously?  This is becoming like a disease, an ache I can't find but still feel.  I kept my head down, looking at the bottoms of the lockers and walked at a moderate pace; I've never known exactly when I would pass you in the hallway, so it can't be that I was waiting for the specific time that you would walk pass.  Did you really say my name or was that my overactive imagination?  How did I know that that was you?  How the hell did I manage to see you, when all I could see were pants and shoes, no faces to connect.  It's like, no matter how hard I try, whenever you are near, I feel pulled to you and it hurts so freaking bad.  I knew the exact moment when I passed you and I made the mistake of looking back and seeing you.  It should be like you're dead to me and I could care less but, the truth is, I still love you.

I was riding with my neighbor to school and that Bruno Mars song started to play on the radio and I listened to it.

Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you all that it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
And it all just sound like uh, uh, uh

Hmmm too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby is dancing, but she's dancing with another man.

I started going through this mental checklist as the chorus went by; "Yup, bought her flowers... held her hand, mhmm... I gave her all my hours when I could... tried to take her to every party, cause I knew she loved to dance... annnnd, now she's dancing with another guy... yup"

  I hate the fact that I love her; it would be so much easier right now if I had never given a fuck.

Mar 23, 2013

Today's Summary

Today was kindof a waste, but I guess that means I'll work twice as hard tomorrow to make it productive. Memory is a strange thing; we have no control over what we remember and what we don't, but we know that we can reinforce the memory we have of a concept or piece of knowledge by studying it 7 times in a variety of ways. We can't control it when a random memory pops into our mind, but we often have the ability to bring up knowledge of something at will. We don't know how to prevent memory loss or how to regain it but we do know what sorts of trauma have a strong likelihood of causing it. Our memory is the closest thing we have to knowing the complete truth of a situation, but it can be tainted with hallucinations and misinterpretations caused by trauma or shock. We know that it is connected to the brain, but, like the mind, we don't know how exactly. We know that memories associated with certain feelings can be more easily recalled, but we don't know why. Memory seems to be both a gift and a curse; a tool of responsibility that we tend to wield haphazardly, as if we are ability to repair or tweak it if it fails or retains a recollection of a distasteful event. In fact we tend to try to block out only the events that can turn out to be ultimately useful later on in life purely because we don't like the idea of it. "Memorizing" is often used in place of "learning"; however, the two could not be more different. When one learns something, they will never "unlearn" it. However, one cannot educate someone on how to "learn" something. They can "teach" them the way to do it, but they cannot tell them if they will learn it or not. Memory disabled people are not the same as learning disabled people. Wow... That was a really long tangent. Huh...

Mar 18, 2013

Mar 12, 2013


Good news, bad news. Good news; AISS will start up again soon. Bad news, as you have probably already guessed, is that my girlfriend dumped me on March 6. Once again, prepare to see me go through the multiple phases of dealing with it, only amplified, 'cause I actually gave a shit about this one. Oh well

Mar 6, 2013

Tony's Submission

Tony's submission.

Jinx's Submission

The band decided to follow Ralphie's lead and submit their own versions of the band.  This is Jinx's:

Mar 5, 2013

Ralphie's Submission

This is Ralphie's submission for the contest.  Please don't let this be the only submission.  Please

Mar 4, 2013

I don't know why but I do

It's been a month and I'm starting to recognize the all too familiar signs of the end; the ex, the ignoring of calls and the absence of her smile... I think it's the loss of the smile that kills me the most. I mean, that's the best part; the knowledge that you're the reason for that smile, that wondrous thing that somehow manages to make those circles under her eyes disappear.
Today, I was waiting for her to walk up the steps from the student parking lot (I get to school before her) and an old friend was standing beside me. He looked and saw my excitement, my happiness to see her again... and then fall of my face when I saw her ex, the most recent one, next to her; most days she's accompanied by either him or another ex. She was laughing like I used to make her laugh and he had that grin I have every time I'm with her.
Looking at me, my friend coughed and said, "You don't deserve this, man."
Biting my lip to keep myself from agreeing, I thought back to the scars on my brother's face, the girl who's heart I hurt, the wrongs I've done, and the pain I've caused. "Maybe I do," I said, closing my eyes. "Maybe I do."

Check this out!

OK, so I'm having a contest to see who's the best editor out there (plus, I'm bored and I want to get a little of that competitive spirit going).  Below, I've placed a basic picture of a anime band that I drew for D.R.A.C.S. (Notice that there are too many band members: there are 5 in the actual band).  I've added an edit button underneath it.  Clicking on this button will allow you to apply several edits to the image which will appear after you save and close out the editing window.  NOTE:  Refreshing this blog page will get rid of your edits; please right click on your image and save it!  After you have edited it, send it to the band at for them to judge and pick the best one.  They will announce the winners on April 2, 2013.  The winner will get to be a part of the recording of their new album and may even get to be in one of their songs!