The second to last day before Aiken and the others have to report to D.R.A.C. Academy
12:01 pm
Concord, NC
Outside of a Subway Restaurant"You'd think it'd be snowing by now," Atacai said, licking the mustard off of her fingers. She jumped off of the picnic table and threw her Subway wrapper in the trash can.
"Come on," Jahn said, rolling his eyes. "Tell me you haven't forgotten how the weather down here works already." He stuffed the last of his sandwich into his mouth and threw his wrapper at the trash can and missed.
"Of course not," Atacai replied sarcastically as Jahn got up to pick the wrapper back up. The store door twinkled behind them and Jesse's head poked out. "Are you guys done yet?"
"Yup," Jahn answered and made another shot for the trash can and missed. Mumbling under his breath, he picked up the piece of trash and dropped it into the trash can.
"Then come on," Jesse said, opening the door cautiously, avoiding the sunlight. Once again, she had forgotten to buy sunscreen, so she, Aiken, and Vin were resigned to having to eat inside. Technically, Aiken could of eaten outside, but he would have had to deal with the wire-thin cracks appearing on his skin.
Jahn and Atacai followed Jesse back into the air conditioned building and walked over to where the others were sitting. Jinx was currently shooting little paper balls at everyone with the straw from his soda.
Ile looked up dully when they waked in and mouthed the words, "Help me," to Atacai. A spitball hung quivering in his bird's nest of hair.
Atacai grabbed the straw from Jinx as he was in the middle if launching a well aimed shot at Gerg. "Quit it," she said simply, walking over to the trash can. With s well aimed toss, she made it in the the small opening and Jinx started to sulk.
Jahn sat next to his eldest brother and listened as Aiken talked to Vin about B.L.I.T.'s motives.
A week before, a letter had came in the mail threatening to release the Ark Curse if D.R.A.C. did not give up their jurisdiction over New York City. Refusing to give up the former battlefield, Aiken burnt the letter. Jahn couldn't see why Aiken was still talking about the topic but he knew enough to know that it was pretty boring.
Just as Jahn started to drift off he heard his brother's voice. "That's okay with you, Jahn?" said Ile, waving his hand in front of Jahn's face.
"Whaaa?" moaned Jahn, blinding his eyes. Everyone was standing up and Jinx had his hand on the door.
"We're going to go look for new recruits and go shopping," Aiken explained, smiling his smile that didn't seem to reach his eyes. "We need someone to stay home and guard the house." Despite the awkwardness of the sentence, Aiken's voice maintained its steady frequency, something they had all learned after years of hiding in plain sight.
"So... I'm the man," Jahn said, quickly catching onto what was going on. He slowly started to make his way off of the seat.
"You're the only one that was asleep when we had the vote," Vin's voice said from behind the shadow of a sign for the sandwich of the week.
Taking the situation in good humor, Jahn nodded ans started to walk towards the door. "Okay, I'll do it," he said, thinking about this bond back at the house.
"Then lets get this show on the road," Gerg said cheerfully. "I get to drive, right?" A huge smile spread on his face.
"No!" everybody protested loudly, running to grab the keys from Gerg.
"What?" Gerg said, reluctantly handing the keys back to Aiken. "I swear I didn't see the tree."
"The tree definitely saw you," muttered Kitty, getting in the backseat of Vin's car. Gerg sighed and got in the backseat of Aiken's car.
Rolling his eyes, Jahn jumped in the backseat of Aiken's car and plugged Jinx's earphones in.
Same day
12:46 pm
B.L.I.T. Hideout"Now that this place is finally clean..." started Chogt X, staring down at the recruits equipped with broms, sponges, and mops.
"We can rest," a yound girl in pale grey skater clothes said, slumping down on one of the dark grey mono chromatic couches.
Chogt X scrutinized the girl; pale blond hair poked out of the gray beanie that sat on her head. Multiple bracelets of different materials and shapes covered her wrists. From Nico's description, this looked like his little girlfriend, Deliah X.
"No," Chogt said bluntly. "It's time for training." A few groans were muttered but for the most part the young recruits remained quiet. Pointing down the hall, Chogt watched as the small crowds dutifully marched to the training room. Little Deliah started to get up but Chogt motioned for her to stop.
"Wait," he commanded. "I will need you to follow me." He started to walk to the exit door.
Deliah started to panic. "I-I didn't mean to-" She started to protest.
"Shhhhh," Chogt interrupted, pulling his cell phone out. "You're not in trouble: I just need you for a... special mission."
Deliah swallowed loudly and started to sweat.
* * *
Same day
1:00 pm
Concord, NC
D.R.A.C. Summer House"Don't get into any trouble, okay?" Aiken called out from his car.
"I won't!" Jahn replied from the doorway of the house, smiling at the stupid request.
Aiken nodded and drove off with Vin's car following him. Jahn watched them drive off and closed the door, locking it. Turning around, he scanned the room, looking for the others' bonds. There was a yellow eyed raven perched on the ceiling fan, but other than that, he couldn't see anything.
Knowing that most of the bonds were hiding and wouldn't appear unless their other half was home, Jahn walked over to his room. Remembering that Capri was in a pen a quarter of a mile away, he instead focused on the young girl he had met a couple of weeks ago.
Reaching with his mind's eye, he searched through the muffled minds of the others' bonds. Vlad was downstairs eating ketchup from the bottle (again), and Cryp was on the ceiling fan. Searching, he suddenly came in contact with the pulsing, blue glow that was his loch bond.
What is it? Driz asked as she felt his touch on her mind. She was swimming in the pool in the backyard, free to let her fin out. From what he could tell from her mind frequencies, she was not at all concerned with B.L.I.T.'s threat and what it could mean for her. Unlike Jahn.
Do you mind if I join you? Jahn replied, smiling as her familiar voice resounded in his mind.
If you want to, Driz said, sinking below the water as a car drove past.
Remembering Selwyn's words on loch bonds, Jahn grabbed one of Jinx's many radios from his room and got a pair of swimming trunks on. Shedding a quick tear for his eldest brother's mentor, Jahn opened the back door.
* * *
Same day
1:10 pm
B.L.I.T. Elite OfficesTrash covered the floor but Deliah barely noticed it because of Chogt's steel grip on her arm. It was only when she tripped over a swamped mini trashcan that she realized how messy the place was.
"Why is this place so dirty?" she asked, wincing at the strength of his grasp on her. She had long since given up trying to ask him to loosen his hold on her arm.
For a while, it looked like Chogt wouldn't answer and Deliah opened her mouth to repeat herself. "It won't be for long," he said bluntly.
Despite his simple words, Deliah felt a shiver go up her spine. Chogt stooped at a gray door and knocked on it. "Semper fidelis satanna," he intoned, his voice deep.
A sly voice whispered in Deliah's mind. "Always faithful, Satan." Deliah suddenly felt calmer; she was in the right place.
"Come in," came the reply from inside and the door opened.
Dragging Deliah behind him, Chogt strode into Orgis's office. Putting her down in a chair, he sat down in an adjacent one. Orgis put his hands together and placed them on the stainless steel desk.
"Why have you brought this child to my office?" Orgis said politely and Deliah bit her lip from pointing out that she was practically the same age as him.
"Do you remember the uncalled we found a couple weeks ago?" Chogt said, looking into Orgis's pure white eyes. Deliah shivered at the word "uncalled" even though she didn't know what it meant.
Orgis nodded, thinking, and examined Deliah. After a few seconds of trying to hold his burning gaze, the dracian of carbon monoxide looked away. "Yes, yes, I can see where you're going with that," Orgis said.
"What do you guys want with me?" Deliah asked, unsure that she wanted to know.
Orgis placed his hands down on the desk and leaned closer. "How good do you think you are at acting?" he breathed into her face.
Chogt started to get up and walk out. "Oh, and by the way," he said, opening the door. "The little water dracian is right where you want him." With that, the dracian of bleach walked out of the office.
Orgis smiled; it was turning out to be a great day.
* * *
Same day
2:32 pm
Concord, NC
D.R.A.C. Summer House"So," Jahn said, smiling. "How do you like Concord?"
Driz smiled, and picked at the wave patterns on the quilt that covered Jahn's bunk bed. She laid out on his bed, fin touching the end of the bed. "It's a pretty cool place," she replied, her lake mermaid accent coloring her voice.
They were in Jahn's room, on the top part of the bunk bed that he and Ile shared. "But it's not like home, of course," Driz finished, looking into Jahn's ocean blue eyes. A small half smile grew on her face.
Jahn chuckled and laid his head on his pillow, staring up at the ceiling. "Tell me what your home is like," he said, trying to imagine a place where Driz's kind could live in peace.
"Well it's like h-" she started. When she didn't continue, Jahn turned to look at he and his eyes widened.
Driz was halfway covered in what looked like green fire and a familiar hand was covering her mouth. Shaking away his shock, Jahn tried to reach Driz but he knew he was too slow. The green fire swallowed her as Nico pulled her into the portal. The last thing Jahn saw was Driz's fear-filled eyes as she was pulled through the warp fire.
As Jahn sat in stunned silence as he tried to comprehend what had just happened, he put two and two together and got B-L-I-T. Feeling the anger growing in his chest, Jahn started to shake.
"No!" came the war cry from within Jahn. Vaulting over the railing, Jahn felt the world slow down as he sped up. He unsheathed his sword and called his armor. Hitting the ground, he growled, "Those jerks!" The familiar pearl diver's armor of cobalt and blue metal covered him and a watery aura surrounded his body.
Shaking with uncontrollable anger at B.L.I.T.'s crime, Jahn started towards the door.
In a quick burst of snowflakes, Aiken's blood bond materialized in front of Jahn. She crossed her arms in front of her to emphasize what she about to say. "Please stop, Jahn," Snow said, her pleading eyes trying to convey the importance of her words. "We are supposed to dissipate evil with peace." She tried to appear as solid as the door behind her, but Jahn could see her shaking from the waves of anger emitting from him.
Jahn's eyes burned with anger and his hair was flat and wet against his head. "Peace won't do anything," he said, the gills on his neck as visible as the armor on his body. "We were put here because peace doesn't work anymore."
Snow started to tense up in preparation for him trying to get past her. "Please don't use your-" she pleaded, her eyes wide.
"Listen!" Jahn snapped, desperation hidden under layers of anger and passion. He stabbed his finger at the ceiling, where raindrops could be heard. "They've already started!"
Snow stood firmly in the doorway. "I can't let you," she declared, staring at Jahn. "Aiken said th-"
Jahn swept his hand across the space and a wave of water hit Snow and flung her into the side wall. "I'm sorry, but I've got to save Driz," he said, crashing down the door with a push of his right hand. Sprinting, Jahn crashed through the front door in a blast of water and materialized on the other side.
"Oh crud..." breathed Jahn, looking up at the sky. Large dark clouds covered the sky and rain was pouring down in tons. Staring forward, he started to run at a breakneck pace. The familiar glowing blue water shoes appeared on his feet.
After a few seconds, a fenced area could be seen through the sheets of rain. Jahn vaulted over the wooden fence on a breaker wave and landed gracefully on the other side. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he sprinted to the resting goat.
Seemingly unperturbed by the rain, the old, gray goat was munching on the water logged grass. "Come on, Capri," Jahn called to his horse bond.
Seeing his master, Capri stood still and let Jahn mount him. Looking down at the rising water, Jahn felt his heart grab his throat. What if he was too late?
Capri bleated, shaking Jahn from his deep, dark thoughts. "Giddy-up," Jahn commanded the capricorn, holding onto its short, rough hair with his gloved hands.
Bleating, Capri started to gallop to the fence, moving through the water as easily as if it was air. As the duo came closer and closer to the fence, Jahn clenched his eyes shut and started to wish that he had spent more time training his horse bond.
When they came within three feet of the fence, Capri leapt, easily clearing the fence and his hind quarters morphed into a giant serpent fin.
Speeding across the flooded area at high speeds, the duo began to make their way to one of the greatest sources of power for dracians
* * *
Same day
2:45 pm
Concord, NC
In the middle of a pasture outside of town"That has got to be the stupidest thing you have ever done!" Jesse shouted at Vin, who was lying on the ground, covered in blood and stitches.
"We're going to have to get back to the house," Mattias said, turning to Aiken for confirmation.
Aiken nodded as Jesse said, "I have half a mind to leave you here." Vin winced at the words and a black chimera grunted in the background.
"Jesse quit it. He's hurt," said Atacai, pulling out the first aid box from the car and handing it to Mattias.
"He's going to be hurting after I'm done with him," Jesse retorted, but her face softened and she stroked Vin's sweat encrusted hair.
"Vin, you're going to have to call your bond and tell it to go to the house. I just hope Jahn doesn't freak out when he sees it," Kitty said, looking at the black chimera that Vin had appropriately named "Conem."
Vin nodded painfully and closed his eyes. Everyone held their breaths they waited to see if Conem would listen to Vin's commands. Even Jesse stopped muttering and bit her lip. A few seconds later, Conem's goat head nodded and he started to gallop off in the general direction of the house.
Staring off into the distance, Ile watched the dark clouds forming above. "What the heck is that?" he muttered under his breath.
* * *
Same day
2:48 pm
Concord, NC
Outside the entrance of North Cabarrus ParkSpeeding towards the park's closed gate, Jahn flipped off of Capri's back and over the metal bars. "Stay here," he commanded his horse bond before turning around and sprinting down the park's trail.
After a total of 4 seconds, Jahn stopped at the 2 mile marker and walked over to the edge of the trail and looked down.
A large ditch that usually hosted a small trickle of water in its 15 feet tall banks was halfway filled with rushing muddy water. "Crud," muttered Jahn.
Hesitating for a second, Driz's terrified face filled Jahn's vision and he took a deep breath. Sprinting, Jahn leapt into the air and morphed so that his lower half consisted of a fish tail. Hitting the water, Jahn went under with the sound equivalent of a small rock hitting the water.
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"...Jahn went under..." |
Same day
2:59 pm
Concord, NC
On Interstate 85, in between exit numbers 55 and 58"Why is our dear water dracian taking so long?" Aiken's chilling voice from Orgis. His hand that cradled Driz's chin burnt with white hot heat and the loch bond bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain.
He'll come and then you will be fu-" Driz said through gritted teeth.
"Oh, I do hope so," Orgis interrupting her, pinning down the tail that was trying to catch him off guard. "That is, after all, the point of capturing you, my beauty."
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"...and she felt a tear slide down her cheek..." |
Driz's eyes widened and she felt a tear slide down her cheek. And then Desslyn laughed.
* * *
Same day
3:05 pm
Concord, NC
North Cabarrus ParkWith a blast of water, Jahn shot out of the water, holding a seven foot long staff. "Once again," Jahn muttered to himself. "I'm glad that I"m a dracian. The staff of swallowing grass is especially unforgiving of thieves." In one quick motion, he strapped the powerful weapon to his back.
In the time span of one second, Jahn's entire body turned into an identical copy of itself made of water and splashed to the ground as gravity completed its job description. On the other side of the park, water seeped up from the ground and Jahn resumed his form.
Looking around the forest of dead trees, Jahn watched for the second source of power that he would need. After a few seconds, he grabbed a straight rod of dead wood off of a tree. Tapping it with his sword, he dropped it on the ground and spread his arms out. With a flash of green light, the staff of dark forest disappeared and a sickly green fog ascended from the rising water, enveloping Jahn.
* * *
Same day
3:07 pm
Concord, NC
On a side road, Aiken's car"Mattias, we're going to have to split up," Aiken said into the cell phone that Seria held in his ear.
"What's that?" Mattias shouted in the phone; from the sound of it, Vin was feeling the after effects of the chimera poison.
"I said," Aiken repeated, staring at the ominous thundercloud that was floating above Concord like a demon from a horror movie. "That we're going to have to sp-"
Just then a giant wall of flesh and scraggly hair landed in front of Aiken's car. Slamming the brakes, Aiken didn't wait for the car to stop sliding before opening the door and jumping out.
Hitting the ground, the ice dracian called his armor and turned to face the obstacle.
Bending down to come face to face with Aiken Arrows, the seventeen foot tall minotaur roared. The blast of air pushed Aiken back a couple of inches.
"G-Guys... we have a problem," Aiken stuttered, unsheathing his sword.
* * *
Same day
3:11 pm
Concord, NC
Outside of North Cabarrus ParkCapri waited patiently for his master to come back. Sticking his head under water to grab another mouthful of water filled grass, the young capricorn snorted in surprise when he saw a black shape hurtling towards him. Jerking his head out of the water, Capri pranced back and waited for the enemy to appear.
Like little building blocks, hundreds of fish skeletons poured out of the water and started to assemble themselves. When the ghastly structure started to resemble a humanoid body, black mist poured out from some unseen source inside of the creation.
When the unnatural smoke cleared, Capri crept forward. His armor now hugged by series of bones, Jahn stared out at his horse bond from inside his body of pale green skin and blew a strand of dark brown hair out of his eye. Unsheathing his now green sword, Jahn commanded, "Kneel!"
Terrified, the 101 year old capricorn obeyed. Feeling his unfamiliar master ,mount him, Capri stood up. Sheathing his unearthly sword, the water dracian pointed in a direction and said, "Go."
Frightened by what his master had done to himself, Capri sped off in the direction that his master had pointed out.
* * *
Same day
3:20 pm
Concord, NC
On Interstate 85, in between exit numbers 55 and 58"It looks like not all of the dracians are as committed to good as dear Aiken," Orgis said spitefully, smiling grimly.
"He'll come," Driz defended weakly, realizing that if she was right, this very well may be the last time she saw him. "I-I think."
"I-I th-think that he won't," Nico said, mocking her. Walr laughed cruelly somewhere behind her and Driz's eyes started to burn.
Even through her tears, though, the young mermaid could make out a figure in the distance. Seeing the green haze around him, Driz put her face to the ground and sobbed.
"Hey boss," Walr boomed. "Who's that?" He pointed dully in the distance at the fast approaching dot. Orgis turned away from tormenting Driz and squinted his glowing eyes. After a few seconds, his eyes grew wide.
"Well," he said cheerfully, turning back to Driz. "It seems as if you were right after all." Driz was caught off guard by his tone and slowly lifted her head to look up.
About 100 feet away, Jahn told Capri to stop. "Finally, " he said grimly and front flipped off of his capricorn. "Revenge." Walking slowly towards the group, he gazed upon the disturbing scene with rage.
The leaders of B.L.I.T., excluding Chogt X, formed a semicircle around Driz. The young mermaid was laid out on the hard asphalt with ropes tied around her to keep her from morphing and escaping.
A wispy tube of pure power was traveling from the water dracian's loch bond into the clouds above. When Jahn came within 75 feet of the group, Orgis snapped his fingers and the tube cut off and Driz collapsed.
Nico smiled sarcastically, showing a set of sharp, slightly green teeth. "Revenge?" he retorted, staring at Jahn with amusement. "I thought you were her for a rescue."
Grabbing the staff of swallowing grass, Jahn flicked his wrist. With a sigh, the staff morphed into a rod of blue steel. Pointing it at Nico, Jahn replied,"No, it's revenge. A rescue doesn't involve a fight to the death. And there will be a fight to the death."
"Yeah, right, little boy," Desslyn sneered, rolling her black eyes. "More like your brothers coming to save you. Again." Her long black hair gleamed and her tight-fitting, glossy black armor glinted with an unnatural shine.
"Ha," Jahn said and shoved the rod into the ground. Kicking it with all of his strength, he shoved his hand at it's flying form. With a flash of green light, the staff disappeared (info). Panting, Jahn shoved his hands down into the ground. Sweat pouring down his face, he closed his eyes. A dome about 40 feet wide and a foot thick appeared over Jahn, enveloping the B.L.I.T. members.
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"...With a flash of green light, the staff disappeared..." |
Swaying a little, Jahn made it to his feet and faced Orgis. "No one comes in, no one gets out," he said, panting. "Looks like nobody's coming to save you guys either."
Orgis threw his head and laughed while mirage-like shimmers emitted from within him. Walking to stand behind him, Walr smiled evilly. "You stupid fish," Orgis said, smiling smugly. "This is an ambush. We managed to... keep them busy. They couldn't help you if they wanted to." With a faint rustle and a flash of light from his blinding white hair, Orgis sent a heat wave racing towards Jahn.
Eyes narrowed, Jahn stomped his foot and a third flash of green light appeared. Pushing up out of the ground, skeletal armor latticed over the swamp green armor. Gleaming in the dim light, spikes of pure bone grew on the tops of Jahn's shoes. Like a deranged man, Jahn smiled, showing 5 inch long fangs. "You guys really need a dictionary," he growled, dissipating the wave with a nonchalant movement of his hand and unsheathed his sword. "It's not an ambush if I attack first."
Kicking himself off the ground, Jahn leapt 15 feet into the air and hurtled downward, slashing with his blade. Pulling out his cutlass, Nico stabbed upwards at Jahn.
* * *
Same day
3:36 pm
Concord, NC
On a side road "Guard Vin!" Aiken shouted and the beast roared. Vin had collapsed into spasms and Matt had to call on his armor to keep him from being hurt even more.
"ROOAAR!" Aiken twirled around and saw Ile on the beast's shoulder, hacking at the vital muscle. Despite the situation, Aiken was enraptured by the speed and agility that his brother attacked the monster with.
"Duck!" came the call from behind him and he threw himself on the ground. Hearing the barely audible music, Aiken squeezed his eyes shut and hoped that Ile had enough sense to get away from the giant minotaur when someone was using their clan power.
With a TWAAANG, the music ended and a bright flash of light turned the world behind his eyes red. Cautiously getting up, Aiken turned around to see Seria collapsing the huge, glowing bow that appeared whenever a member of the Arrows Clan used a clan power. She shook slightly and fell to the ground; every time someone used a clan power, they used a large amount of power.
"Change of plans," Aiken said grimly, walking over to the fallen body of his girlfriend. "Get to the house as soon as we can."
* * *
Same day
3:36 pm
Concord, NC
On Interstate 85, in between exit numbers 55 and 58The world slowing down even more than it already had, Jahn watched Nico's arm muscles clench and foretell his motives before the random adrenaline rush ended. Flipping over the extended blade, Jahn swung his foot back, hitting Nico square in the back. With a loud CRACK!, Nico X crumbled to the floor and groaned.
With a quiet rustle, Walr took out his massive zanbato and smiled smugly. Without a word, Walr charged at Jahn at 50 miles per hour, but Jahn blocked the tremendous hit, causing crack lines to appear around them.
Dodging to the side,Jahn swung his sword. With both hands on his sword, Walr knocked the blade away from it's predestined course. Using the momentum from the counter attack, Jahn spun away, hitting the dracian of tar on the second revolution. Flying through the air, Walr hit the water wall before being slammed to the ground.
Without a pause in his deadly dance, Jahn sprinted to Driz and leapt into the air. Coming down feet first, Jahn hit Desslyn in her face and continued running. Stepping in the way, Orgis filled his vision and flicked his sword. Skidding to a stop, Jahn growled, "Get-out-of-the-way."
Immersing his body in white-hot flames, Orgis smirked, "How about I don't?" he retorted, smiling in anticipation of a brawl. "I want to fight you."
With another rush of speed, Jahn snap-kicked Orgis, sending him flying 10 feet. "I was hoping you would say that."
Orgis stabbed his sword into the ground and pulled himself up. With a roar, the flames that outlined him doubled in length.
"Mind if I put that out for you?" Jahn called over to him and snapped his fingers. A blast of water appeared from the chest of Orgis's suit, putting out the unearthly fire. Looking the soaking ozone dracian over, Jahn said, "Now that's better."
Jahn rolled his eyes and sighed. "Cash or credit?" he said sarcastically.
Orgis growled deeply and narrowed his eyes.
Jahn smirked and said, "I'm taking that to mean debit."
Orgis ripped the sword out of the ground in one fluid movement and glared at him. "With your life!" he said in a threatening voice, his hair stuttering.
Rolling his eyes again, Jahn pretended to be in deep thought. "I don't know," he muttered. "I've been trying to watch my budget..."
Shaking with fury, Orgis roared and charged at Jahn. He held his sword out to the side and his feet were a blur of white.
Faking a surprised expression, Jahn murmured, "Yeesh, so pushy." With a blur of speed, he blocked Orgis's attack and jumped back form the contact. Holding out his hand, fingers outstretched and palm forward, Jahn muttered a couple words under his breath.
A portal of dark, swirling water appeared in the space between them and a object of rough, white flesh and sharp teeth hurled itself at Orgis.
"Arrrrrggghhh!!!" Orgis cried out and pointed at the shark that was hurtling towards him. In a flash of white, the man-eating monster was on the ground, cooked to medium rare. Orgis leapt over the already dissipating carcass and swung at Jahn.
Moving faster than he had ever moved before, Jahn blocked the attack with such force that the blade bounced back and hit Orgis upside the head with the flat end. Slowly, Orgis crumbled to the ground. Looking down, Jahn said, "Stay there, Orgis," and walked over to where Driz was lying on the ground.
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"....'Stay there, Orgis,' and walked over to where Driz was lying on the ground..." |
Driz smiled faintly and murmured, "Thank you." Just then, the sun broke through the clouds and lit up the glistening world around them. Leaning closer to Jahn's face, she pressed her lips against his. Her fin morphed into two humanoid leags.
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"...Just then, the sun broke through the clouds and lit up the glistening world around them..." |
Jahn smiled and murmured, "You're welcome." Closing his eyes, his eyebrow furrowed and he said, "Now, to get rid of the powers I borrowed."
There was a flash of iridescent light and green and gray mist started to seep from the spaces in Jahn's armor. The unnatural smoke continued to billow out from him until it completely covered him. Then, in one gust of wind, the clouds floated away and Jahn and Driz were revealed. Jahn's armor and skin were returned to normal and his aura was restored to it's healthy blue.
Looking down at Driz, Jahn smiled, showing a row of normal teeth. "Let's go home, hmmm?"
Driz closed her eyes. "Yeah," she said, sighing in relief.
Water seeped up from the ground and covered them, outlining their silhouettes. After a moment of silence, the water splashed down onto the pavement and slipped into the cracks.
* * *
Same day
3:53 pm
B.L.I.T. Elite DefensesChogt looked over Deliah X with satisfaction. The pale blond hair, white clothes, blue eyes; they all fit the description.
Handing her an ice cold amulet, he said, "Use this if you need to prove that you can call your armor. Be careful when you call it back, though. You'll be... bare."
Deliah blushed and ran her tongue over her teeth. "Umm... is Nicky- I mean Nico X here? Can I say good-bye to him?" she asked, looking at Chogt.
He smiled without emotion and said, "I'm afraid Nico X is not available. You will have to leave without saying your farewells."
Deliah swallowed nervously and nodded. Chogt gestured for a gray uniformed guard to escort her out of his office.
When the door closed behind them, Chogt sat back in a leather office chair. "What will I do about the real uncalled?" he murmured to himself. "Of course, I'll have to dispose of them. But how?"
Just then, something roared in the distance and the cry of "Vampire!" reached Chogt's ear. "Very well," he said, rising from his seat. "A group of four vampires. How original."
* * *
Same day
3:54 pm
Concord, NC
D.R.A.C. Summer HouseWhen a small puddle of water appeared in the living room, a couple confused glances were circulated around the room. When water began to flow freely into the air and form two humanoid shapes, conversation stopped all around.
When the water seeped back into the carpet and Jahn and Driz were left behind, Aiken leapt up. "Where were you?" he demanded.
Ignoring him, Jahn walked past Aiken and laid Driz onto the couch where the ice dracian had been sitting. Driz's head rested on Seria's lap and her feet dangled over the other side. Unlike most people, she just smiled lightly and gently moved a strand of hair from the mermaid's eye.
Jahn turned to Aiken and blinked. Trying to get over having to deal with explaining what happened quickly, Jahn said, "Saving Driz." He stared into his brother's eyes, refusing to look away.
Misinterpreting Jahn's words, Jinx whistled and whooped, using his un-bandaged arm to give him a thumbs up. Rolling her eyes, Atacai slapped his mummified arm; greeting her to the sound of something snapping. Although Jinx still sat dully with a grin on his face, Atacai stifled a shriek and gingerly laid his arm in her lap
Jahn stared at the couple and then turned back to Aiken. What the heck was that about? he thought to Aiken. Mattias had gone to help Atacai.
We had to give Jinx a painkiller. You know what it does to him, Aiken answered, watching Mattias tend to Jinx.
Jahn nodded, remembering the first time they had found out about Jinx's unique....reaction to painkiller.
Returning to the prievous conversation, Aiken said, "You're going to have to be more specific than that." He crossed his arms and stared at Jahn.
Seria got up from the couch, carefully removing Driz's head from her lap. "Why don't we let Driz explain what happened?" she said, touching Aiken's arm lightly.
Driz blushed a faint blue and lowered her eyes in shyness. Jahn's respect for Aiken's girlfriend skyrocketed from that moment on. (Why having Driz tell what happened was a good thing)
Ile smirked and electricity coursed through his hair. "Don't worry, Driz," he said, lounging on an armchair. "We were in a couple of fights ourselves on our trip. In fact, if Seria hadn't-"
"Shhhh," Seria said, turning towards Driz.
Driz swallowed nervously and said, "Okay... first, the guy with black hair and green eyes..."
"Nico," Ile supplied her with the name of his rival and growled as the dark memories that came with it surfaced.
Driz smiled weakly and continued. "N-Nico captured me."
Aiken leaned closer. "Do you know why he captured you?" he inquired, his ice blue eyes searching her face for any clues.
Driz looked down bashfully and shook her head silently. Aiken drew back and sighed in frustration. "Continue," he said, looking at the ceiling.
"And...Jahn came and fought off the dracians," Driz said, finishing quickly in her nervousness.
The explanation seemed to fit everyone in the room as believable except for Ile. "Dracians?" he said, unconvinced. "I thought there was only one kidnap-"
"Oh shut up, Ile," Kitty interrupted, laying out on the couch across from Seria. "Everything's all right, so knock it off. Although... Snow..."
In an instant, Aiken turned to Jahn with a fierce coldness that made Jahn feel like curling up inside of a campfire. "You did that?!" he shouted, incredulous.
Silently cursing Kitty's ability to know what was happening anywhere at anytime, Jahn stuttered, "Ummm..."
A black bird flew out from a dark corner and alighted next to Ile's foot. A thick shadow fell over the creature and the figure began to grow outwards, adding appendages that just as soon disappeared. With a sigh, the shadow was lifted and the yellow-eyed girl that was left behind leaned against her partner's leg.
"Yup. Slammed her into the wall," Cryp said bluntly, ignoring Jahn's glares.
Aiken exclaimed something in surprise and Cryp stuck out her tongue. "Falconer's bonds," Jahn sighed bitterly.
Seria laid her hand on the petite, dusty blond girl who sat beside her on the couch armrest. "You have a problem with them?" she said bluntly, giving him a sly wink.
Jahn was confused for a second and then caught on; she was trying to change the conversation and keep the heat (actually, cold) off of him. "N-No, it's nothing against you or Swift," he stuttered, his face stricken. "I plainly meant to say sorry for what I did to Snow and didn't want any more input."
Swift humphed and the atmosphere of the room gained an awkward tinge. Aiken was still throwing death stares at Jahn and Mattias coughed.
"You know what we need?" Jinx's voice startlingly loud in the silence. "Music."
An audible groan could be heard throughout the room and Atacai put her head in her hands. Anxious to end the dilemma before Jinx started to sing, Kitty said, "Where's Snow? We should see if she needs help." She pointedly tilted her head towards Jinx.
Aiken nodded his head slightly and said, "She's in the back. Vlad's tending to her and Vin."
Bewildered, Jahn asked, "What's wrong with Vin?" He and Driz shared a puzzled glance.
Aiken started to speak, but Jesse interrupted him. "The oaf tried to find his 'horse bond' in a pack of 300 chimeras. Said he '... had a feeling that-'"
"Did he find it?" Jahn asked, curious.
This stumped Jesse for just a second and then she continued with her angry rant. "Yes... he fought all the rest of the others. As if he-"
Mattias oh-so-subtly coughed and gestured towards Jinx, who was starting to clear his throat as if he were getting ready to sing the national anthem at a football game.
Jesse blinked her eyes, slowly drawing herself out of that angry place she goes into every time that Vin does something stupid. "Umm... let's get going," she said, nodding blankly.
As the rest of the gang shuffled to get out of the living room, Jahn and Driz remained seated. Jahn was just getting up to go over to Driz when he felt that familiar ice pick stab into his mind and hold it there, frozen. After a few moments of agony, the ice pick was wrenched out and his mind began to thaw. Jahn had anticipated this; there was no way on Earth or any of the other 5 worlds that Aiken would just let this slide like a soapy rubber duck on a tile floor. His brother's words echoed in his mind; I see, brother. I forgive you.
"Is there something wrong, eoa?" Driz called from across the room, using the mermaid translation for "love".
Jahn opened his eyes with a smile and said, "No, just Aiken reading my memories." He sat next to her and pulled her close to him.
"Oh," Driz murmured, moving her body in like a puzzle piece to the crook of his side. "Is he mad?"
Jahn shook his head. "He said he forgave me," he replied and turned the TV on.
"... experts are saying that this is the largest sink hole ever to be recorded on American soil," a news reporter was saying as pictures of a huge crater on the highway were being shown. "Damages to the countryside..."
"It's amazing how humans can bend events to fit their comprehension," Jahn muttered thoughtfully, his eyes staring off into the distance.
Curling up closer to Jahn, Driz laid her head on his chest and said, "How come the dracians don't do what you did more often?"
Surprised, Jahn said, "Go around, saving beautiful maidens?"
Driz blushed and giggled. "No," she replied, smiling. "Why don't you guys use the staffs of power in your battles?"
Jahn paused and stared off. "What I did back there was impossible," he said, looking back at Driz. "The staffs of power are like dracians themselves; they're masters of their own elements, not to be used as batteries. They're really not supposed to be used by anyone other than the dracian of that certain element.
"We can use them, but we can't bend them to our will. The only reason why I was able to do that was because I was angry. Furious, actually. I forced the staff of swallowing grass to be my power source. I forced the staff of dark forest to blend with me. You saw the effects of harnessing that power but you didn't see the internal results of doing it." Jahn broke off at that and stared off into the distance for a while before continuing.
"Forces of nature," he murmured, looking at his hands. "Were literally destroying each other inside of me. Even when they were leaving, there was still the degradation. The pain was almost unbearable."
There was silence for a while and Jinx could be heard in a faraway part of the house, singing a Lady Gaga song. Images on the TV kept flashing.
It was Driz who broke the quiet. "You want to know something about loch bonds, eoa?"
Jahn thought for a couple of seconds and said, "Depends on what it is."
Driz smiled and turned so she could see him. "It's nothing bad," she said in her lilting voice. "each bond is based on different ideas. Blood bonds are based on the concept of never-ending servitude. Elemental bonds are made because of the need for completeness; one is incomplete without the other. Horse bonds are held together through passionate friendship. Wolf bonds are centered around loyalty. Flaconer's bonds are similar to the relationship between house cats and their owners; their bond is based solely on trust." Driz paused at that and looked into the distance.
Softly, Jahn asked, "What about loch bonds?"
"Love," replied Driz, looking down at her hands.
Jahn raised his eyebrow as if to say ...?
Looking up at her partner, Driz whispered, "Loch bonds are based on love."
Jahn contemplated this for a while and then let out a laugh.
Irritated, Driz said, "What?"
Laughing, Jahn said, "That explains why all of the past water dracians didn't have loch bonds."
"Why?" Driz asked, confused.
Still chuckling, Jahn explained. "From what I've heard of the old water dracians, they're a bunch of irritable old sailors."
Driz shook her head and laughed. "Jeez, you're a case," she sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Somewhere in the background, a voice called out, "Leeeeeaaaaaan on me..."
"...Somewhere in the background, a voice called out, 'Leeeeeeaaaaan on me...'" |
"Wheeeen you're not- UMPH!"
Jahn felt Driz shake as her laughter joined the others in the background.
* * *
Author's note: Yeah, I know it took me forever to get this up, but I've been very busy. For those of you that have not read this before: THIS IS NOT THE SEASON FINALE! The season finale is going to be a while. Comment if you liked it. For the Story DOT Com website please click the link below.
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