
Mar 29, 2012

So tired... I've been up

So tired... I've been up all night mixing records. Exhasted. Jinx out.

Mar 27, 2012

Say Something Week

Have a MMORPG game that you like to play and truly do enjoy the way that the creators made the website? Find their Contact Us page and send them an email telling them so.  This week (March 25th through 'til March 31st) is Say Something Week.  Say something nice to someone or something (online game, online forum, nearby company, your favorite soda's bottling company, etc.) or say something to help them better themselves (please no angry rants; they aren't productive).  One of the things that can damage a company or a person the most is withholding information that can shape them into something great.  Fight against this by letting your thoughts be heard.

Mar 21, 2012

Atacai's better, though she does

Atacai's better, though she does keep fainting. As of now, I hate spring too. Jinx out.

Mar 20, 2012


I know that I've already done a Facebook post on this, but I feel like I must reinforce the bad effects that has on the psychology and intellectual work of students around the globe.  Here's a quick list of the evils has committed:

  1. Procuring false charges of plagiarism
  2. Not completing its original goal of catching plagiarizers
  3. Manipulating student's original work to suit its own ends.
  4. Exhibiting student's works and otherwise breaking the copyright laws
  5. Using a lame excuse for a logo
  6. And much, much more...
Check out this account of a rebellion against word.

Mar 19, 2012

Pollen counts are up today;

Pollen counts are up today; barely can breath. Jinx is taking me home today. Blacked out a couple of times. i hate spring. ~*~

Mar 16, 2012

Good Websites

Here's a list of some of the best websites (design wise) of today:

Mar 14, 2012

D.R.A.C.S.: Fear Them

D.R.A.C.S.- Breaking These Chains

Breaking These Chains is the sixth and last song in D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  The title was originally going to be Stand Up and Fight, but Aiken Arrows showed the group a quick preview of what was planned for the next album release, so they changed it to Breaking These Chains.  The speech at the beginning of the song came from D.R.A.C.S's live concert in NY and is made by Blade Nights. (Note: There was a drunk guy next to Jinx Muse when he was recording the audio and he says some.... interesting things.)  Ralphie Nights is on the mic and the drums, Rea Nights and Zane Nights play the electric guitar, Tony Nights is on the keyboard, and Blade Nights is on the electric bass.  The lyrics are by Blade Nights.
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D.R.A.C.S. (Featuring Seria Arrows)- The Penguin Song

Yes, we know that The Penguin Song is not a D.R.A.C.S. song, but Shar let us use her wonderful lyricist, vocalist, and guitarist skills to add a song to D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  Using Jinx Muse's DJ skills and equipment, we were able to fix the high pitched beep problem that Shar originally had with her microphone.  Shar Ward is on the mic and guitar (obviously), while Ralphie Nights is on the cymbals.  The lyrics are by Shar Ward and this is the 5th track.
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D.R.A.C.S.- Apathetic

Apathetic is the fourth song in D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  Ralphie Nights is on the mic and drums, Rea Nights and Zane Nights are on the electric guitar, Blade Nights is on the electric bass, and Tony Nights is on the keyboard.  The applause sound in the middle of the song is taken from D.R.A.C.S.'s live concert in New York and was incorporated into the mp3 file by Jinx Muse.  Ralphie Nights wrote the lyrics for this song.  Enjoy
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D.R.A.C.S.-Your Heart Next To Mine

Your Heart Next To Mine is the third song in D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  The lyrics were written by Zane Nights.  Zane Nights and Rea Nights are on the guitar and mic, Ralphie Nights is on the drums, and Tony Nights is on the keyboard.  Enjoy.
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D.R.A.C.S.-Friday Night Rebel

Friday Night Rebel is the second song in D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  The intro lyrics came from Your Favorite Martian's song, "White Boy Wasted".   Zane Nights does the intro and electric guitar,  Ralphie Nights is on the mic and plays the drums, Rea Nights plays the guitar, Blade Tenebrae is on the electric bass, and Tony is on the keyboard.  The lyrics are by Ralphie Nights.  Enjoy
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D.R.A.C.S. (Featuring Jil Muse)- Satisfied and Okay

Satisfied and Okay is the first song in D.R.A.C.S.'s album, Fear Them.  The main vocalist is Jil Muse, one of JinxedMusic's best clients.  Tony Nights is on the synthesizer, Zane Nights and Rea Nights provide backup electric guitar sound, Blade Nights plays the electric bass, and Ralphie Nights plays the drums.  The song lyrics were written by Jil Muse.  Enjoy.
Upload MP3s using free MP3 hosting from Tindeck.

D.R.A.C.S. just finished their new

D.R.A.C.S. just finished their new album, Fear Them. Aiken's probably going to post the songs in seperate posts later today.

Mar 3, 2012

Movies Can Change The World

Believe or not, the post title isn't some kind of sarcastic comment on the mindset of America; I can honestly say that movies can change and/or open minds that can (and do) change the world.  Here's a couple that I've viewed:

Twelve Angry Men:  An old black and white movie.  It deals with rights in court and actually evaluating whether or not the accused are guilty.

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (Not a children's show, despite the title): Another black and white movie (don't worry; they're not all old).  It deals with government, but not on a purely judicial base; it also deals with determination and fighting for the right reason.

The Lorax (I'm not kidding; corny and silly, but there is something to it that gets to the heart):  Obviously meant to support the fight against global warming and pollution, but there is something way more to this than just another "let's save the planet: go green" campaign; it provides many instances of where people close their eyes to the problems in their society.  It uses powerful imagery (wall being broken through, eyes literally opening, etc.) to show that only by changing people's way of thinking will anything ever be accomplished.

We Bought A Zoo (Another corny family movie):  Aside from the fact that it's pretty funny and another stereotypical "let's save the animals" movie, We Bought A Zoo has an awesome moral story to it that left some of the people in the movie theater that I went to in tears.  I won't reveal too much, but it reveals the power and courage in overcoming immense grief.  You have to check this one out

The Day After Tomorrow (Finally something normal): I really do believe that this, instead of The Lorax, truly shows the tragedy that we've wrought upon this Earth with our pollution and bad habits.  In merely a day, the world is turned into a wasteland.  Using scenarios that have all of the feelings of real life, the producers of The Day After Tomorrow have changed the way we thought about global warming.

Mar 1, 2012

200th Post!

In honor of the 200th post and the thousand something hits on this blog, D.R.A.C. is hosting a band of your favorite Story dot Com members.  Watch for their new release, Fear Them, on D.R.A.C. Blog.

Loving that post, Aiken. You

Loving that post, Aiken. You just stated the point of view and left it at that, without any bias. Pretty brave. ~*~