
Jun 13, 2013

What's happened so far

So much has happened!  I have finally graduated high school after 5 (just kidding; 4) long years of toil.  My relatives from both sides came down to visit me and my grandparents stayed for my father's birthday.  I got some sheets, a blanket, bucket loads of money and a pretty sweet laptop (kindof feels like my birthday).  Also, unbelievably, I received a letter in the mail yesterday from Vector Marketing, asking me to please apply online for a job at the company.  So, like I would for any other store or company that I would receive this type of letter from, I applied for a job.  Within a hour, I was called and an interview was made.  After a 3 hour long interview process, I got a job... selling knives.  Still cool though.  Well, I'm typing this post up from a hotel room in Boone; orientation at Appalachian State University is tomorrow and Friday.  So excited!  Also, D.R.A.C.S. is making leaps and bounds in the cyber world, so look for us on YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, or Facebook.

Jun 3, 2013


School is almost over. The final stretch!!!!!