
Mar 23, 2013

Today's Summary

Today was kindof a waste, but I guess that means I'll work twice as hard tomorrow to make it productive. Memory is a strange thing; we have no control over what we remember and what we don't, but we know that we can reinforce the memory we have of a concept or piece of knowledge by studying it 7 times in a variety of ways. We can't control it when a random memory pops into our mind, but we often have the ability to bring up knowledge of something at will. We don't know how to prevent memory loss or how to regain it but we do know what sorts of trauma have a strong likelihood of causing it. Our memory is the closest thing we have to knowing the complete truth of a situation, but it can be tainted with hallucinations and misinterpretations caused by trauma or shock. We know that it is connected to the brain, but, like the mind, we don't know how exactly. We know that memories associated with certain feelings can be more easily recalled, but we don't know why. Memory seems to be both a gift and a curse; a tool of responsibility that we tend to wield haphazardly, as if we are ability to repair or tweak it if it fails or retains a recollection of a distasteful event. In fact we tend to try to block out only the events that can turn out to be ultimately useful later on in life purely because we don't like the idea of it. "Memorizing" is often used in place of "learning"; however, the two could not be more different. When one learns something, they will never "unlearn" it. However, one cannot educate someone on how to "learn" something. They can "teach" them the way to do it, but they cannot tell them if they will learn it or not. Memory disabled people are not the same as learning disabled people. Wow... That was a really long tangent. Huh...

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