
Feb 14, 2013

Saint Valentines Day

Happy Saint Valentine's Day to all of you!  I'm going to assume that none of you call it that and I can understand why; what on Earth does present-day's Valentine's Day have to do with Saint Valentine?  To start, I'll edumacate you on who Saint Valentine was.  Obviously, Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday that probably goes back to ancient Roman pagan holidays, just like every other holiday.  Depending on what country you're from, Saint Valentine is either a priest, a bishop, or a group of 14 martyrs.  Just out of preference, I'd like to go with the priest story; it's a little bit more exciting and less depressing.  In Roman law, soldiers were supposed to be bachelors at a certain period of time; Valentine was a natural romantic and couldn't stand this.  In response, he rebelled against the emperor and performed secret marriage ceremonies for the Roman soldiers.  La de da and all that, Valentine was eventually put to death and people saw him as a saint and Valentine's Day was created.  This also explains why we see a half naked little boy with wings shooting arrows at people to make them fall in love on Valentine's Day; cupid is a essential part of Roman and Greek mythology.

So I've gotten roses and concert tickets for my girl friend today and I'm hoping she likes them.

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