
Apr 18, 2011

Story Post 10

This is not going to be my best post... I think.  I found the sound that best describes me in the post below.
      *                                            *                                    *
      I tried to go to sleep and get some rest, but between Ralphie's snoring and Rea and Tony sleeping, I decided to stay awake.  Blade stared out at the road, ignoring the sounds in the back.   After what seemed like a year of staring at the same cars go past us, I finally noticed the sun in the horizon turning the black sky into a midnight blue.
      Rea woke up and yawned.  "How much farther?"  She said sleepily, staring dully at the road in front of us.  Her hair looked like a bird's nest, twisted and tangled into a bowl-like shape.
     "25 more miles" Blade grumbled, gripping the sides of the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.  I remembered Blade's dislike of northern traffic.
     Rea nodded as if she expected this all along.  "What are we going to do with the car?" she asked, patting the headrest behind her.  I leaned forward, I had been wondering the same thing the entire car ride.
     Blade was quiet for a few minutes and then he sighed.  "We're going to keep it," he said, ignoring Rea's questioning glare.  "I was listening to the radio and the rent-a-car place we 'borrowed' the car from wasn't broken into.  It was completely destroyed."
      I thought silently to myself and then spoke.  "Why?"  I asked, curious.
      "The owner had certain enemies he had made in some dark alleyways."  Blade answered bluntly.  I shuddered, remembering my own parent's interactions with the darker side of urban life.  Tony twitched and muttered something about penguins.
     "This car has got to be tracked somewhere." Rea said, rummaging through the glove box.  After a moment, her head came up and she was holding a piece of computer guts.  "We're going to have to get this car fixed so it at least looks like ours."
      "Aww!  But I liked the bumper sticker that says 'rent-a-car!'"  Ralphie moaned, rubbing his eyes and smiling.
      "Good morning, Ralphie.  We're getting ready to say hello to our new home."  Rea said, pointing at the brown-gray apartment that was growing in the main windshield.
     "Home, sweet home." I muttered, wishing I was back in the warehouse.

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